Seminars | lectures | workshops | mentoring
In my artistic practice, I dedicate time and energy to the topic of transmission: of knowledge, of expertise, of experiences. I teach, I facilitate, I share, I stimulate, I co-create, I mentor. I host seminars, workshops, lectures, and other formats for specific target groups and contexts, from academia to amateur groups with special needs, to corporate environments. I develop formats and contents according to each situation, in relation to my artistic questions as well as to the workshop audience.
Since 2018 I have a position as lecturer at the ICN Business School in Berlin, Nancy and Paris. In my seminar Experiential Perspectives on Art and Diversity: Creative Strategies applied to Marketing, Sales and Business Processes", I teach students how to unlock their creativity by approaching the broad field of Art under five complementary angles: Art as Market, Art as Product, Art as Experience, Art as Discourse, Art as Practice. In this seminar, students will discover and recover their creative potential and learn new creative strategies on how to best use this potential towards their professional goals as well as in their daily life.
I am a trained facilitator in Family Constellations (Bert Hellinger). Family Constellations is a powerful and transformative therapeutic tool that helps break unconscious limiting patterns. It is a form of expressive therapy for self-development through bodywork that can be used to gain insight in the family history, dynamics, and possible dysfunctional patterns. Its goal is to bring to light the fundamental patters that create a problematic situation in someone's life, at a physical or emotional level, and to transform these. Since 2018 I offer Family Constellations for individual requests (online and in real life) and for groups. Here an article I wrote about Family Constellations for Queers and LGBT people.
Feel free to contact me at .
Here below you find a list of workshops, lectures and seminars I have taught internationally.
In October 2022, I have been invited as one of the four facilitators of 4-days offsite event in Tuscany, Italy for the 80 employees of FORMO, a food biotech company on a mission to bring the next generation of sustainable vegan dairy products to consumers. Here I have hosted a series of outdoor group activities in nature, role-play performances, and feedback sessions drawing from my artistic practice and in relation to deep ecology and energetic healing.
In 2019, I have taught a choreographic Performance Project at Tanzfabrik Berlin, with about 20 dancers and one final showing. Here we worked intensely both with our physical bodies and with our energetic bodies, and at the connections of these two spheres: materiality and energy. We unraveled what lies beneath the surface of our skin, of our movement, of our cultural norms. We explored the realms of residual movement and intimate relationships before they come into shape, category, definition.
In 2018 I have been invited as artist lecturer at IMAGINING DANCE. Bodies and Visions in the Digital Era, held at Università La Sapienza in Rome. The conference opened with a series of presentations centring on corporality in organic, psychosomatic and cultural terms. The sessions addressed the influence of digitalisation on choreographic performance and the ways this is memorised. Speakers included choreographers and filmmakers, who will discussed their experience with choreography and virtual environments. The publication Imagining Dance. Bodies and Vision in the Digital Era by Vito Di Bernardi and Letizia Gioia Monda followed, including my essay contribution.
In 2018 I was invited at the Italian Institute of Culture in Lima, Peru to teach a four-days videodance workshop, for a group of dancers with able and disabled bodies. In the workshops, we covered several aspects of using the camera to capture body movement and movement storytelling, using smart phones and new media technology to create and produce film sketches from scratch. The workshop entailed also a CINEDANS ON TOUR videodance film screening and an artist's talk.
In 2018, I have been invited by Italian Institute of Culture in Tunis, Tunisia to host a 5-days workshop for the 25 students of the Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Théâtre du Kef. Here we engaged with site-responsive body practices, bringing our bodies into the public space of a basilica. The bodies interacted with spatial architectures, natural and cultural systems of relationships, and with their inhabitants and users, while the camera captured, documented and reported what the naked eye fail to see. You can watch a workshop documentation at this page.
In 2017, following the success of the larger project CAMPO LARGO, I was invited by the Italian Institute of Culture in Jakarta, Indonesia for CAMPO LARGO Nomads. This was a 4-days videodance workshop for dance and video artists and students. It was designed for participants to go through a structured process of making a short videodance film study. I mentored the participants’ throughout the process from concept formation, location selection, filming with smart phones, movement concept through film shooting and post production. The participants’ filmic outcomes were screened at the end of the workshop and followed by a Q&A discussion, open to the general public and guests.