A solitary dialogue between a Body and its Owner. Both intrusive and utopian, the dance solo ZERO focuses on the interaction between the muscular and the nervous system, whilst attempting to localise the number Zero within the body. It is an effort to generate a deceptive environment, where the mind is neutralised and awaits, in which the body is exposed with brutal frankness, vulnerability and privation. It is an escape mechanism within the self.



What does Zero mean, in relation to the body?
Where is Zero located in the body? How can we access it?
What comes across this shape? What happens in this nulla figura?

I put my body in an empty space.
I asked it to show the Zero.
Its answer was ambiguous, uncertain, of two minds.
So we started to converse.

Beneath. Ending point. Cleaning. Confrontation. Below. Waiting. Emptiness. Electricity. Behind. Loneliness. Absence. Foolishness. Reflexion. Short circuit. Listening. Nothing that is. Rebound. Frailty. Nothing is nothing. Never-ending. Vulnerability. Honesty. Privation. Uncomfortableness. Echo. Starting point. Us.